Verificar pausas e hesitações na fala
Vídeo: 4:34 a 5:43 minutos
As an AEGL employee you are required to comply with all safety regulations of the job site
recognize that you are the person most responsible for your own safety the individual actions you take and the decisions you make will be the most important factors in ensuring your personal safety
understand all safety instructions that you receive
Faixa 1: if you are not sure what is expected of you, ask your super visor before undertaking any activity
Faixa 2: comply with all safety regulations of the job site
Faixa 3: participate in your safety program
Faixa 4: and be actively involved in safety meetings
Faixa 5: tailgate meetings and other safety activities
Faixa 6: listen and ask questions about anything that is not clear to you
Faixa 7: look for unsafe conditions and acts before they cause an accident
Faixa 8: either solve the problem yourself or tell your supervisor
Faixa 9: And report all job injuries illnesses and even near misses immediately to your supervisor
Faixa 10: even if you don’t think it was serious or maybe a little embarrassing to admit
Faixa 11: let your supervisor know what happened
Faixa 12: he or she can decide on the best course of action
No contexto de segurança ocupacional, “tailgate meetings and other safety activities” se refere a reuniões breves realizadas no local de trabalho, muitas vezes ao redor de um veículo (como a cauda de uma caminhonete, daí o termo “tailgate”), onde são discutidas questões de segurança antes do início das atividades.
1️⃣ Tailgate (ˈteɪlˌɡeɪt)
🔹 Divisão silábica: tail-gate
🔹 Pronúncia: /teɪl geɪt/
🔹 Explicação:
2️⃣ Activities (ækˈtɪvɪtiz)
🔹 Divisão silábica: ac-tiv-i-ties
🔹 Pronúncia: /æk-ˈtɪ-vɪ-tiz/
🔹 Explicação:
3️⃣ Accident (ˈæksɪdənt)
🔹 Divisão silábica: ac-ci-dent
🔹 Pronúncia: /ˈæk-sɪ-dənt/
🔹 Explicação:
4️⃣ Injuries (ˈɪndʒəriz)
🔹 Divisão silábica: in-ju-ries
🔹 Pronúncia: /ˈɪn-dʒə-riz/
🔹 Explicação:
5️⃣ Admit (ədˈmɪt)
🔹 Divisão silábica: ad-mit
🔹 Pronúncia: /əd-ˈmɪt/
🔹 Explicação:
6️⃣ Course (kɔrs)
🔹 Divisão silábica: course
🔹 Pronúncia: /kɔrs/
🔹 Explicação:
7️⃣ Supervisor (ˈsuːpərˌvaɪzər)
🔹 Divisão silábica: su-per-vi-sor
🔹 Pronúncia: /ˈsuː-pər-vaɪ-zər/
🔹 Explicação:
Neste áudio, você ouvirá um conjunto destas 7 palavras frequentemente usadas em contextos profissionais e de segurança no trabalho.
Vídeo: 17:35 a 20:04 minutos
air monitoring instruments are also used at our projects as another means of
protecting our workers
while it is not common there is the potential for Airborne chemicals or similar hazards to exist at some of our project sites
depending upon the tasks being performed and the specific area
the most common air monitor we use is a 4 gas meter this instrument measures four different potential hazards in the air
the level of oxygen
the amount of flammables
the level of carbon monoxide
and the level of hydrogen sulfide
once the monitor is calibrated it will alarm if any one of these hazards is present at an unacceptable level
and therefore warns you of the hazard before you work in the area
air monitoring instruments are very important for your safety when used at our project sites
be sure that you understand completely how the air monitor works and always follow the recommendations made from the monitoring results
it could very well save your life
this is a chart that describes the readings of the for gas meter with related action levels and the corrective actions that must be taken when these levels are determined unsafe
if there are any questions with the readings
Evacuate the area until your questions are addressed and resolved
the following gas level readings require that you either Evacuate the area
ventilate the area
or both again if there are any questions in your mind about the readings always air on the side of caution
that means evacuate
for O2 or oxygen the Action level is required for a reading less than 19.5%
for the amount of gas or vapor in the air capable of producing a flash fire in the presence of an ignition Source better known as LEL a percentage greater than 10% demands protective measures
for CO or carbon monoxide the Action level is required for a percentage greater than 35 parts per million or PPM
and for H2S or hydrogen sulfide a reading greater than 10 parts per million requires that action be taken
if you are unsure on how to operate or
read the four gas meter be sure to talk with your supervisor
Faixa 30:37 to 35:13 minutos
many physical hazards can be present during the use of hand and power tools
the greatest amount of injuries associated with hand tools arise from
the three essential elements of hand tool safety are
the following safe work practices must be used when using hand and power tools
retractable razor knife
use proper PPE such as Kevlar gloves and eye protection at all times when using a retractable razor knife
always use the proper cutting technique which is to be cutting away from your body parts
whenever possible
I be aware of your surroundings
don’t cut over or around a finish liner as you may damage the liner
never carry your retractable knife in your pocket
use a pouch or case to prevent punctures to your body parts
change your blades frequently
never wait until it is dull
always use the correct blade for the material that you are cutting
as a point of note pocket knives are not allowed at an aegl work site
know what is going on around you at all times
watch out for co-workers and keep a safe Zone around you when cutting and again
always remember that you should never use a retractable razor knife without wearing Kevlar cut gloves
when swinging a hammer keep a safety zone that’s clear of co-workers
always use eye protection
inspect wooden handles to be sure that they are not loose or splintered
always wear steel toe boots
and keep your body parts out of the direct pathway when using the hammer
when using a hands saw you should first inspect the handle to ensure it is not cracked or broken
next check the blade to ensure it is not bent or dull
cutting with a dull handsaw can be very dangerous because it requires you to apply much more Force than would normally be needed to cut something
once you begin cutting
make sure the object that you’re cutting is secured
and always keep your hands clear of the
as with all hand tools proper eye and hand protection are always required
the following checklist should be followed for safe use of hand saws
inspect the saw before use and ensure that the handle and blade aren’t damaged
always wear gloves to grip the saw better and protect your hands
safety glasses must always be worn to protect your eyes
and only use the saw as directed
all power or hand tools must be inspected before every use
look over the plug and cord and check to see that the plug and prongs are intact
and that the cord is not damaged
make sure that your powered handle is plugged into a GFCI to protect you from electrical shock
as always where your eye and hand protection
handheld Grinders
always use proper eye protection such as safety glasses and a face shield
make sure that the clothes you are wearing fit properly
and are not too loose
excessively loose clothing could get caught in the rotating disc of the grinder
never wear jewelry of any kind
check the power cord and plug for damage
make sure that the grinding disc is in proper condition
mounted properly and tighten down
always use the grinder with its guard on
never remove or alter the guard in any way always
use hearing protection
to prevent accidental startup employees should be continually aware of not holding the start button while carrying a tool that is plugged in
establish a buffer zone from co-workers
when operating the drill hold it firmly with both hands to prevent the drill from spinning or rotating
always be certain to inspect the drill bits and attachments as well for excessive wear and tear
bits that are worn or damaged not only may be hazardous but they will make your job much more difficult
Trecho 03
Faixa 1
many physical hazards can be present during the use of hand and power tools
the greatest amount of injuries associated with hand tools arise from
the three essential elements of hand tool safety are
the following safe work practices must be used when using hand and power tools
retractable razor knife
use proper PPE such as Kevlar gloves and eye protection at all times when using a retractable razor knife
always use the proper cutting technique which is to be cutting away from your body parts
whenever possible
Faixa 2
I be aware of your surroundings
don’t cut over or around a finish liner as you may damage the liner
never carry your retractable knife in your pocket
use a pouch or case to prevent punctures to your body parts
change your blades frequently
never wait until it is dull
always use the correct blade for the material that you are cutting
as a point of note pocket knives are not allowed at an aegl work site
know what is going on around you at all times
watch out for co-workers and keep a safe Zone around you when cutting and again
always remember that you should never use a retractable razor knife without wearing Kevlar cut gloves
when swinging a hammer keep a safety zone that’s clear of co-workers
always use eye protection
inspect wooden handles to be sure that they are not loose or splintered
always wear steel toe boots
and keep your body parts out of the direct pathway when using the hammer
when using a hands saw you should first inspect the handle to ensure it is not cracked or broken
next check the blade to ensure it is not bent or dull
cutting with a dull handsaw can be very dangerous because it requires you to apply much more Force than would normally be needed to cut something
once you begin cutting
make sure the object that you’re cutting is secured
and always keep your hands clear of the blade
Faixa 3
as with all hand tools proper eye and hand protection are always required
the following checklist should be followed for safe use of hand saws
inspect the saw before use and ensure that the handle and blade aren’t damaged
always wear gloves to grip the saw better and protect your hands
safety glasses must always be worn to protect your eyes
and only use the saw as directed
all power or hand tools must be inspected before every use
look over the plug and cord and check to see that the plug and prongs are intact
and that the cord is not damaged
make sure that your powered handle is plugged into a GFCI to protect you from electrical shock
as always where your eye and hand protection
Faixa 4
handheld Grinders
always use proper eye protection such as safety glasses and a face shield
make sure that the clothes you are wearing fit properly
and are not too loose
excessively loose clothing could get caught in the rotating disc of the grinder
never wear jewelry of any kind
check the power cord and plug for damage
make sure that the grinding disc is in proper condition
mounted properly and tighten down
always use the grinder with its guard on
never remove or alter the guard in any way always
use hearing protection
to prevent accidental startup employees should be continually aware of not holding the start button while carrying a tool that is plugged in
establish a buffer zone from co-workers
when operating the drill hold it firmly with both hands to prevent the drill from spinning or rotating
always be certain to inspect the drill bits and attachments as well for excessive wear and tear
bits that are worn or damaged not only may be hazardous but they will make your job much more difficult
Trecho 4 – Parte 1 (46:27 to 47:28)
the use of a fire extinguisher in the hands of a trained adult can be a life and property saving tool
however improper use can compound the problem
increasing risk of injury
utilizing a fire extinguisher requires training on its proper use and maintenance
fire extinguishers are divided into four categories based on the different types of fires that typically occur
all aegl fire extinguishers should have an ABC rating on them and be inspected monthly
employees can expect to find fire extinguishers in
company trucks
company Mobile equipment
work and office trailers
fuel containment areas
around portable generators and near any flammable hazards
each fire extinguisher has a numerical rating that serves as a guide for the amount of fire the extinguishers can handle
the higher the number the more firefighting power
the numerical rating indicates the approximate square fet of fire it can extinguish
use the pass acronym to help remember how to operate the fire extinguisher
pull pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher